Skills: Gifted at Galaga — can play 2+ hours on a single quarter.
Noteworthy: Recovering sugar addict with nearly limitless capacity to consume popsicles.
Bragging Rights: Once won 18K in football pool — football Sunday’s sacred in her household!
Skills: Boundless ability to drink Italian espresso — had to go to the ER after proving it.
Noteworthy: Once agreed to be a passenger in an ultra-light airplane (never again).
Bragging Rights: This golf guru has made four hole-in-ones.
Skills: Enduring ability to ski double black diamonds and play scratch golf.
Noteworthy: Grew up in Sweden idolizing ABBA, Bjorn Borg, and skier Ingemar Stenmark.
Bragging Rights: Once won his golf club championship for 7 straight years!
Skills: Proven brains and brawn: Junior Olympic 100 yard dash finalist, college football running and defensive back, outstanding graduate student, University of North Texas.
Noteworthy: Once forced to climb a tree to escape several very angry, very wild hogs.
Bragging Rights: With four degrees, one in Psychology, this guy can read your mind.
Skills: Can explain (and diagram) the entire supply chain in detail after 30 years in food manufacturing.
Noteworthy: Takes losses like a champ, like the time he was pinned by the entire Chicago Knockers mud wrestling team.
Bragging Rights: Drove a 1972 Plymouth Barracuda at age 15 — for a few minutes, anyway, before wrecking it and having to give it back to his sis’s boyfriend.
Skills: Grandmother of six, mother of two, best human to one special Yorkie named Quincy.
Noteworthy: Is revered at Golden Farms for knowing how to do, basically, everything.
Bragging Rights: Has been in the food industry since 1961, and amazingly, is still only 39.
Skills: Able to type really fast without looking at the keyboard one little bit.
Noteworthy: Scholarships let her be a student so long she nearly forgot to get a job!
Bragging Rights: Got on a flight with free wine for the first time and really, really made the most of it.
Skills: Nature photographer.
Noteworthy: Turns into an Olympic-style race walker when talking over the phone.
Bragging Rights: Can eat pineapple every single day.